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Turquoise Gems


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Gemological info: Agates are created from nodular masses in rock, like volcanic and certain metamorphic rocks. When split open, they reveal a variety of patterns, colors, and bands that distinguish the gemstone from other forms of Chalcedony. Agates are made of fibrous chalcedony (cryptocrystalline silica) and the fibers in thin slices are sometimes visible in a transmitted light which causes interesting optical effects.

Metaphysical Properties: It is believed to balance between the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical states, as well as to stimulate general analytical capacity and enhance perceptiveness. It improves concentration and memory, promotes goodwill, and assists in encouraging honesty and discerning the truth. Agate is also used by people who want pleasant dreams, because of its calming influence and insomniapreventing effects.


Gemological info: Amethyst has been known as the most highly prized form of Quartz. It is the presence of manganese in Quartz that produces the purple color, and the amount of iron content varies the colouration. Amethyst may be found throughout the world.

Metaphysical Properties: Amethyst helps to enhance your psychic abilities by increasing the activity in the right brain. It produces and strengthens inspiration, intuition, and raises thoughts to a higher spiritual level. By wearing it on your left wrist, it will assist in enabling you to foresee and heighten your spirituality. Recharge your stone under the light of the moon because sunlight may fade its color.


Gemological info: Apatite belongs to a group of phosphate minerals with high concentrations of hydroxide, fluoride, and chloride ions. The name Apatite means “to be misleading” or “to deceive” and is named such because of its tendency to resemble other minerals. When cut correctly, these stones are bright, transparent to opaque, with intense colors. They have a hexagonal crystal system and will dissolve in hydrochloric acid.

Metaphysical Properties: It helps to increase self-confidence through enhancing learning, creativity, and imagination. Used during meditation, Apatite helps you let go of situations, people, and objects that have become useless in your life. It aids in getting you into a more profound state of reflection and meditation

Caribbean Calcite

The color of Blue calcite ranges from a faint blue to a brighter blue, with light green and brown undertones. This particular variant is known as Caribbean Blue Calcite it’s, a brand-new rock recently discovered in Pakistan in 2019. believed to have metaphysical properties that can help with communication, creativity, and mental clarity. Caribbean Blue Calcite is a blue variety of calcite that is found in the Caribbean Sea. Its composition includes a mixture of blue calcite, green, brown, and white aragonite. Blue Calcite is believed to enhance consciousness and can help release energy, and balance chakras. A stone to use when recuperating, it facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions and encouraging relaxation. It also aids memory, learning and helps students retain their lessons. Working with the Third Eye Chakra, blue calcite can enhance or activate intuition and inner sight.


Gemological info: Carnelian is a hard silicate (tectosilicates, silica group) mineral and a variety of Chalcedony. As a gemstone material, it is often used for cameos and beads or cut as cabochons. It can often be found in antique jewelry and can be uniform in color or faintly banded. The best Carnelian stones are said to be from India where people place it in the sun to assist a change from brown to tints of orange and red.

Metaphysical Properties: Carnelian represents the cauldron of the body’s lower three chakras. With its fiery and hot spirit that stimulates the root chakra, it is associated with taking bold action and helps circulate vital energy to your center which contains your powerful creative instincts and deepest sexual desires. The stone also strengthens concentration and helps in understanding the inner self.

Clear Quartz

Gemological info: Clear Quartz is also known as crystal quartz and is a mineral made of oxygen and silicone atoms. It is part of the trigonal crystal system and has a vitreous luster. As the meaning of the name suggests, Clear Quartz is transparent and clear to white colored. It also goes by the name Rock Crystal.

Metaphysical Properties: Clear quartz has the ability to enhance mental clarity, so it can help with emotional stability, and it is popular in meditation and restorative work. It's also often used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire. It is a protective stone and can be used to amplify psychic abilities.

Crazy Lace Agate

Gemological info: Believed to have formed in the cretaceous period roughly 65 to 90 million years ago, crazy lace agate is a banded chalcedony or microcrystalline quartz mineral infused with iron and aluminum. It's a unique stone in that it's often brightly colored and filled with ornate, intricate patterns.

Metaphysical Properties: 

Similar to other agates and silica rocks, crazy lace agate is a good general healing stone. Crazy lace agate is commonly referred to as the "laughter stone," or "happy lace." It's a balancing and protecting stone, believed to ward off the "evil eye," bringing joy and absorbing emotional pain. Crazy lace agate helps to increase one's energy and encourage concentration so that one can stay on task and complete goals much easier. This stone's help with focusing makes it a great stone for those with ADHD. It is said this stone promotes inner stability, composure and maturity and its warm protective properties encourage security and self-confidence.

Flower Agate

Gemological info: Flower agate is a volcanic rock which was created through metamorphosis in the depths of Mother Earth. Even though it is a rock, it is referred to as a flower due to the colorful formations. There are illusions of white and pink colored flowers on the body of the rock. Chalcedony and quartz are the main components which and this rock was discovered in Madagascar recently in 2018. However, it is believed to be used more than 2000 years back in BC.

Metaphysical Properties: Flower Agate also aids in manifesting & nurturing your dreams. Its beautiful - soft, feminine energy ignites passion to pursue our dreams and live life to the fullest. It is the perfect stone for entrepreneurs hoping to grow and flourish their business, or for those starting a new endeavor in their lives.

Green Aventurine

Gemological info: Green Aventurine is a translucent (sometimes nearly opaque) variety of Quartz known for its visible flake-shaped inclusions and glistening appearance. These inclusions are tiny fuschite particles which give the stone its distinct pale to medium green hue. The inclusions also produce Aventurine’s shimmering effect (called aventurescence) as they reflect the light that enters the stone. This eye-catching aventurescence is most remarkable when the stone is tumbled and polished.

Metaphysical Properties: Green Aventurine is a stone of empowerment. It grants you courage, strength, and confidence to face uncertainties and claim new opportunities in life. At some point, embarking on changes in life will be uncomfortable. And using Green Aventurine will help you have a calm and positive disposition in the midst of transitions.

Green Fluorite

Gemological info: Fluorite is an industrial mineral used in many metallurgical, ceramic and chemical processes. It’s a common rock-forming mineral, called “Fluorspar” in the mining industry. Fluorite is commonly found as cubic crystals. It has four directions of perfect cleavage, which makes it unique among common minerals.

Metaphysical Properties: Fluorite is often used for meditation. It will remind you to take a step back and focus on seeing the bigger picture, eliminating negativity from your life. Fluorite is known for the sense of peace it can provide by calming the nerves. This stone is often associated with improved mental capabilities, such as better concentration, focus, and decision-making.


Gemological info: Howlite is a calcium borosilicate hydroxide, and a borate mineral found in evaporite deposits. It was discovered in 1868 by a Canadian chemist, mineralogist, and geologist Henry How. The nodules in which it forms resemble cauliflower heads. Howlite is commonly used for cabochons, beads, and other jewelry components, as well as decorative objects and carvings.

Metaphysical Properties: Howlite cleanses and protects the chakras. It is a very energizing stone. It also allows you to express your emotions calmly, allowing you to say what is necessary in a manner that is not offensive to the listener. This gemstone can be very effective to help connect you with your spirit guides.

Indian Agate

Known as the stone of eternity, Indian Agate, brings comfort to the idea of growing old with ever growing inner beauty, wisdom, and gratitude for all that is and will be. It helps to release old emotions, and brings a positive outlook on life. It brings a calming, and tranquil vibrations to the heart. The red in Indian Agate promotes strength, willpower, and creativity. This is the stone worn by the garlands, holy men, and sages of India; worn for their divinity.

Kiwi Jasper

Gemological info: Cited throughout different country’s literature, Jasper has been in Hebrew and Assyrian works to name a couple. The stone has been used in healing rituals over the years by different cultures to aid in the healing of the stomach, gallbladder, and kidneys. Native Americans use this stone to call upon rain during a dry season. It was the 12th stone in the breastplate of Aaron, as mentioned in the Bible.

Metaphysical Properties: This stone is used for strength, courage, and resolve; it can help when you are feeling weak or powerless. It is excellent for moments in life when you are trying to overcome an obstacle. This stone may help to sever ties with things and people that are no longer serving you in your life. Jasper is also known as a “justice stone” and is good to have around during legal matters and when trying to resolve a legal conflict.


Gemological info: Labradorite is a spectrolite often found in mafic igneous rocks. Its components are a mixture of aluminum, calcium, and sodium making it a silicate. There are many layers inside, which makes the stone very attractive. When any light enters, it reflects generating greens, blues, yellows, and a blast of other colors.

Metaphysical Properties: Change, strength, and perseverance are associated with labradorite as this stone can help transform a situation. The stone can help nurture you as you summon the courage to show the world who you are. It is like Labradorite itself when the light within must be reflected outwardly for the world to see. It can assist in balancing and cleansing the aura. Ritual work is often done with the use of Labradorite because of its ability to empower and to connect with other frequencies of existence.


Gemological info: Malachite is a secondary copper mineral quite popular for use in jewelry and ornaments thanks to its bright green color. Its shell-like formation causes its unique appearance of light and dark layers shaped as concentric rings, stripes, and other shapes. It’s often found as crystalline aggregates or crust, or botryoidal clusters of radiating crystals.

Metaphysical Properties: Among its other names, Malachite has been called the “Midwife Stone, ” thanks to its beneficial effect on the female menstrual cycle and cramps, easing labor, and pregnancy. It’s a diuretic stone, and it can help lower blood pressure, treat travel sickness, trembling, fractures and rheumatic pain. Malachite is said to be able to heal emotional abuse scars, battle anxiety, and depression, and encourage relationships that are healthy.

Mookaite Jasper

Gemological info: Mookaite is a variety of jasper known for its earth colors and vibrant combination of reds and yellows. It is only found in the Kennedy Rangers of Western Australia, hence the moniker "Australian jasper". Mookaite comes from the aboriginal word mooka meaning "running waters." This stone is described as a chert, chalcedony, opalite, or a combination of the three with varying amounts of silica. 

Metaphysical Properties: Mookaite is a powerful grounding stone. When you're distracted, it will ground your mind, heart, and soul in the moment. It even goes as far as helping you relinquish any thought and emotion that steals your attention from the present (e.g., anxiety, fear, depression, and loneliness). Mookaite also opens your solar plexus chakra. 

Moss Agate

Gemological info: Moss agate is a colorless, translucent Dendritic Agate variety of Chalcedony with inclusions of green hornblende (or chlorite) in moss-like patterns (therefore the name). Moss agate, although primarily green, can also show brown and red patterns due to the oxidation of the iron in the hornblende/chlorite.

Metaphysical Properties: Moss agate is said to encourage tranquility and emotional balance. Moss agate is the perfect stone for those who experience strong aggression or overly nurturing emotions, helping to balance male and female energies whenever they become too extreme. Also great for encouraging growth of plants! 

Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras and to bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality (Also my favorite mineral in raw form)

Rainbow Fluorite

Rainbow Fluorite stabilizes, brings clarity and resolve to mind, heals emotions and lays open the foundation for balanced living in the physical, spiritual and higher dimensions of Light. Fluorite helps to calm the mind, so that instead of trying to address a thousand thoughts at once, you can take things one step at a time. The energy of fluorite gently guides you to sort through your mental clutter. By cleansing away unfounded worries, fluorite makes space for positivity to flow in.

Red Jasper

Gemological info: Cited throughout different country’s literature, Jasper has been in Hebrew and Assyrian works to name a couple. The stone has been used in healing rituals over the years by different cultures to aid in the healing of the stomach, gallbladder, and kidneys. Native Americans use this stone to call upon rain during a dry season. It was the 12th stone in the breastplate of Aaron, as mentioned in the Bible.

Metaphysical Properties: A strong protection gemstone, Red Jasper is known to protect against hazards of the night. Red Jasper is believed to be a lucky stone for actors. Jasper is one of the oldest known gemstones. It is a powerful protection against things that are not good for you. It also relieves emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to have in your home.


Gemological info: A Silicate (Inosilicates). Usually forms in compact or granular masses. Tabular crystals are rare.

Metaphysical Properties: Balances yin and yang energies. Enhances attunement to the spirituality of the Universe. Activates unconditional love. Assists one in achieving their potential. Dispels chaos and anxiety. Removes blockages and stabilizes acid levels.

Rose Quartz

Gemological info: It may be found in Brazil, India, Madagascar, and in the United States it is found in South Dakota, California, Maine, and Montana.

Metaphysical Properties: Rose Quartz is popularly known as the love stone. It adds positive love energy to relationships, as well as compassion and forgiveness. It also calms the emotions and helps clear stored anger, resentment, jealousy, and fears. Working with Rose Quartz replaces negativity with harmony, balances the upper four chakras, eases sexual/emotional imbalances, and enhances self-confidence and creativity


Gemological info: Usually forms in compact masses. Soluble in hydrochloric and nitric acids. Fuses fairly easy.

Metaphysical Properties: Stone for logical and rational thinking. Eliminates confusion and gives clarity. Eliminates harmful rays from cellular phones and computers. Promotes fellowship in groups. Encourages self-esteem. Enhances the truth. Provides access to the sacred laws of the universe.

Snow/White Agate

Gemological info: Agate is a chalcedony which often includes fine banding. In white agate, the bands can be of varying levels of translucency and opacity. The intricate bands were formed by repeated floods of slow-moving lava waves over lower levels of stone, laying down successive layers of silica/quartz one over the other.

Metaphysical Properties: White agate is a stone of balance and release. It is credited with harmonizing an individual's feminine and masculine sides, helping the body release toxins and building the immune system. It is also believed to improve concentration and analytical frames of mind, as well as releasing traumas and providing the courage to trust. For proponents of energy work and crystal healing, white agate is believed to be beneficial for mental issues, including everyday challenges such as frustration and anxiety. It is believed to stimulate the crown chakra and is often used to make worry stones. This white stone is often attributed with the power to attract angelic helpers and spirit guides.

Strawberry Quartz/Red Aventurine

Gemological info: A Silicated (Tectosilicates, feldspar group, Plagioclase) or a quartz variation. usually green in color and has mica or hematite mixed in.

Metaphysical Properties: Purifier of the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Enhances tranquility & peace. Lessens anxiety & fear. Protects and clears heart chakra. Balances male and female energies. Activates one's pioneering spirit. Amplifies leadership qualities. Shields heart chakra from energy invasions

Tigers Eye

Gemological info: Can be found in Brazil, USA, South Africa, India and Australia. The chatoyant effect in Tiger's Eye comes from asbestos that ahs been replaced by Quartz over the crystals lifetime. 

Metaphysical Properties: Enhances psychic abilities. Promotes clarity. Excellent grounding stone. Helps one to be practical. Eliminates depression. Promotes optimism. Balances yin and yang energies. Balances both halves of the brain. Stimulates wealth and helps one to keep it. Has the energies of sunshine and earth. An excellent all round stone. The stone tends to be disliked by those who are in very great need of grounding, as it grounds them as soon as they are in its presence.


Gemological info: A mixture of Epidote and Feldspar - which are both silicates. Forms in masses and is pink and green in color. Insoluble.

Metaphysical Properties: Enhances vision of the ethereal plane. Balances the emotional body. Release blockages in the meridians. Releases that which inhibits personal growth. Allows determining the psychological causes behind physical diseases.

Yellow Fluorite

Gemological info: 

Metaphysical Properties: Yellow Fluorite, also called Golden Fluorite, is a crystal of unity, intellect and creativity. It increases understanding, logic and intellectual ability, while boosting one’s imagination and resourcefulness. Stimulating the Solar Plexus Chakra, this mineral aligns the will with the mind, ensuring one can bring one’s ideas and goals into reality through action and intent. Yellow Fluorite is also beneficial for stabilizing group energy, bringing a cooperative spirit and the willingness to work together for a common good. It promotes a positive outlook on life and demonstrates the connective structure of love among and between all that exists.

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